This is a sample of a new type of video maze game. It is based on a recently patented mechanical puzzle. This sample includes two puzzles: one easy and one challenging. Your system must be MS-DOS compatible and capable of 640 by 350 pixel resolution, and color is preferred. This game oc- cupies about 330K. IPMC consents that copies of this two puzzle version of CMV may be made and shared with others. Items available from IPMC, Inc. Price ----------------------------------------------------- ----- Decode charts and information about the mechanical puzzle $1.00 Cirquearat Maze Video, including 20 puzzles (10 easy, 10 challenging) and a pack of decode charts $35.00 Cirquearat Maze Video (as above) plus a mechanical puzzle $48.00 Please do not send cash. Make check or money order payable to IPMC, Inc. Please specify either 3.5 or 5.25 inch disk. Allow about 2 weeks for delivery. Press any key to continue